
Centralized and decentralized decision-making

Question 1)a) Describe Concept of Management. What is the requirement of Management in the Field of Education? Write down ten characteristics of a Good Manager.

b) Why is Time Management very important for a Student? What are the time wasters encountered by a Student? Give suggestions to overcome them.

Question 2) How can we apply Principles of Management to the Teaching-Learning Process? Describe with examples.

b) Describe significance of Institutional Planning. Explain with the help of examples how you will implement institutional planning for improving performance of your institution?

Question 3) Write brief notes:

(a) Need of Man Power Planning in the Field of Education

(b) significance of In-service Training for Teacher Development

(c) Use of the Knowledge of Group Dynamics for a Leader

(d) Define and describe Functions of Management.

Question 4) What is Communication? What are the Barriers in Communication in the Classroom? How will you improve your Communication Skills in the Classroom as a Teacher?

Question 5) Define Accreditation. How does accreditation assist in qualitative improvement of an Institution? Enlist parameters of accreditation of a Teacher Education Institution.

Question 6) Differentiate between Supervision and Inspection. What are the defects in the Existing System of Supervision? Suggest remedies to reduce them.

Question 7) What is Decision-making? What are the steps in Decision-making? Differentiate between Centralized and Decentralized Decision-making.

Question 8) Write brief notes:

(a) Functions of Directorate of Education

(b) Principles of Educational Finance

(c) Role of Modern Information Technology in Education

(d) Types of Grants-in-Aid to Educational Institutions

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Other Subject: Centralized and decentralized decision-making
Reference No:- TGS06349

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