Question 1:
a) The five rights of purchasing refer to the buyer’s responsibility for purchasing products or services that are of the right QUALITY in the right QUANTITY, from the right SUPPLIER, at the right TIME, and at the right PRICE. Elaborate on these five rights of purchasing.
b) What are the main contributions of the purchasing function in a supply chain?
Question 2:
a) Differentiate between single sourcing and multiple sourcing.
b) What criteria must an organization take into consideration for centralization or decentralization of the purchasing function?
Question 3:
a) Why ethics is important to purchasing staff?
b) The conduct of public officials to ensure ethical purchasing rests on the avoidance of conflict of interest, non-acceptance of business gifts and hospitality, ensuring fair competition and non-disclosing confidential information. Discuss on the above issues.
Question 4:
a) Define supply chain and supply chain management.
b) Enumerate the typical activities in a supply chain.
c) Describe three methods of collaboration in a supply chain.
Question 5: Write briefly on the following terms:
a) Public Procurement
b) E-Procurement
c) Reverse Logistics