
Census overview-census employment

Discuss the below:

The file (U.S. Census Bureau Reports) contains reports generated from AMA's (American Marketing Association) website. AMA's website provides free demographical services where one can choose from a variety of criteria and generate reports based on the U.S. Census data. This particular file contains 4 reports: Census Overview, Census Employment, Census Trend, Census Population Detail based on the entire U.S.

This particular file (60614 Census Bureau Reports) contains 4 reports: Census Overview, Census Employment, Census Trend, Census Population Detail based on the U.S. zip code 60614.

Based on the research, what advice would I give for a possible business venture to pursue in zip code 60614 for scenario 1 or 2.

This particular file (Population Data) contains 4 reports: Census Overview, Census Employment, Census Trend, and Census Population Detail based on the U.S. zip code 60614. Document any assumptions or elaborations you had to make in the speaker's notes.

Scenario 1:

The academic affairs committee wants a recommendation on what new degree program should be pursued for the 60614 community.

Scenario 2:

The development company wants to know which type of businesses the stores should be leased to in the new 5-store strip mall in the 60614 community.

Population Summary

Household Summary

Total Population 61,312
Total Households 34,600
Female Population 31,904
Total Families 10,028
% Female 52.04%
Household Population 59,128
Male Population 29,408
Average HH Size 1.71
% Male 47.96%

Income Summary

Housing Cost Summary

Median HH Income $43,459
Median Monthly Mortgage $1,834
Average HH Income $67,550
Median Home Value $358,471
Per Capita Income $38,120
Median Monthly Rent $660
Aggr. HH Income $000s $2,337,219


Households by Income

White 88.67%
Less than $5,000 4.71%
Black 5.46%
$5,000 to $9,999 5.99%
Native American 0.12%
$10,000 to $14,999 4.36%
Asian/Pacific Islander 2.49%
$15,000 to $24,999 12.44%
Other 3.26%
$25,000 to $34,999 13.89%

$35,000 to $49,999 17.27%

$50,000 to $74,999 16.12%
Hispanic Origin 7.32%
$75,000 to $99,999 7.90%
Non-Hispanic Origin 92.68%
$100,000 to $149,999 9.03%

$150,000 or More 8.29%
Educational Attainment

Population Over Age 25 46,608
Population by Age

Less than 9th Grade 4.68%
Age under 4 4.18%
High School Graduate 7.55%
Age 5 to 9 2.47%
Some College, No Degree 11.47%
Age 10 to 14 2.06%
Associate Degree 3.00%
Age 15 to 17 1.23%
Bachelor's Degree 40.52%
Age 18 to 20 3.17%
Graduate or Prof. Degree 27.55%
Age 21 to 24 10.88%

Age 25 to 34 38.09%
Household Size

Age 35 to 54 25.37%
1 Person 54.86%
Age 55 to 64 4.88%
2 Persons 29.95%
Age 65 and Over 7.68%
3 Persons 8.64%

4 Persons 4.19%
Year Moved In

5 Persons 1.60%
Occupied Housing Units 34,685
6 Persons 0.23%
1959 & Earlier 2.96%
7 Persons or More 0.54%
1960 to 1969 2.60%

1970 to 1979 10.23%

1980 to 1984 11.21%

1985 to March 1990 72.99%

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: Census overview-census employment
Reference No:- TGS01892562

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