
Censorship how much violence in movies and games should be

Bill of Rights Persuasive Essay Outline Content

Paragraph 1: Introduction

• Hook- attention grabber
• Brief overview of topic, why it is controversial, how it applies to the Bill of Rights
• Thesis statement: Subject + Opinion + Rationale

Paragraph 2: Body Paragraph- 1st argument in support of your position

• Main topic sentence (explaining argument)
• Supporting details/evidence
• Must mention at least ONE Supreme Court Case that backs up your opinion
• Concluding sentence/transition sentence

Paragraph 3: Body Paragraph- 2nd argument in support of your position

• Main topic sentence (explaining argument)
• Supporting details/evidence
• Must mention at least ONE Supreme Court Case that backs up your opinion
• Concluding sentence/transition sentence

Paragraph 4: Body Paragraph- Counter Arguments/Opposing Viewpoints of Issue

• Main topic sentence (explaining arguments of opposing side)
• Supporting details/evidence
• Must mention at least ONE Supreme Court Case that backs up opposing viewpoint
• Concluding sentence/transition sentence

Paragraph 5: Body Paragraph- Last and Strongest Argument Supporting Your Viewpoint

• Main topic sentence (explaining argument)
• Supporting details/evidence
• Must mention at least ONE Supreme Court Case that backs up your opinion
• Concluding sentence/transition sentence

Paragraph 6: Conclusion Paragraph

• Restate thesis
• Summarize main points
• Relate issue to our understanding of rights and government (and to your life)

Bill of Rights Project

The Constitution is considered the most important document in American Government because of the impact it has on your daily life. It affects what we are allowed to do, protects our individual rights, and provides the framework for our government. The Supreme Court has the final say on whether something is constitutional or not. They frequently have to decide the constitutionality of many controversial topics.
In place of an exam for this unit, you will be completing an essay focused on ONE of the amendments in the Bill of Rights and a controversial topic related to the amendment chosen.

Amendment current issue and event ~Is it constitutional or not?

Your Task: For this assignment, you will be writing a 5-6 paragraph persuasive paper. This paper will seek to answer ONE of the "hot topic" questions related to the amendment you have chosen to explain. Your paper will include discussion of at least 3 Supreme Court cases to explain the constitutionality of your issue.

Examples of Topics:

• Amendment 1: Freedoms of Press, Speech, Religion, Petition, and Assembly

Censorship: How much violence in movies and games should be allowed? How much free expression on the Internet should be allowed?
Explore issue related to hate speech (should the KKK be able to have a parade on a town's square).

Should public schools be able to have dress codes?

Amendment: Right to bear arms

Gun Control- How should guns be controlled? Who should be allowed to have guns?

• Amendment 4: Unreasonable Search and Seizure

Are routine locker and room searches constitutional?

Should public schools be able to administer drug tests to students?

• Amendment 8: Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Is the Death Penalty "cruel and unusual" punishment? Is capital punishment just?

Should juveniles be treated as adults for serious crimes?

• Amendment 9: Rights to the people

Should people be able to choose when they die? (assisted suicide and euthanasia)

What rights do immigrants have if they come to the US illegally? (Illegal Immigration)

Should drugs like marijuana be legalized?

All of these topics are controversial because arguments can be made to support both sides of the issue.

Format:Persuasive Paper (rubric and outline to follow shortly)


6. At least 4 sources (cited in the paper and on a works cited page)

7. Must be your original work. Plagiarism will not be tolerates and will result in a 0 on the paper.

8. Evidence needs to support each point you make. To help with evidence, you will need to use at least 3 Supreme Court cases to make your point about the issue (and its constitutionality).

9. Your modern issue must relate to the amendment chosen. This connection must be clearly made in your introduction paragraph and emphasized throughout your paper.

10. Works cited page included. MLA format.

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Dissertation: Censorship how much violence in movies and games should be
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