
Cellphones is a count of subscribers per 1000 what

Human Development Index revisited. In Exercise 35 we examined the relationship between log(GDPPC) and HDI for 172 countries. The number of cell phone subscribers (per 1000 people) is also positively associated with economic progress in a country. Here s a scatterplot of CellPhones (subscribers per 1000 people) against HDI for 154 countries:

1359_Graph 03.jpg

a) CellPhones is a count of subscribers (per 1000). What re-expression is often useful for counts? Examine the histogram of CellPhones and the histogram of Cellphones using the re-expression you suggested. Comment.

b) Use the re-expression in a) for the scatterplot against HDI. Comment.

c) Why might you be skeptical of using this relationship to predict the number of cell phone users based on the HDI?

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Basic Statistics: Cellphones is a count of subscribers per 1000 what
Reference No:- TGS02198147

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