
Celibacy and asceticism

I am looking for the information, books or articles on the given topic:

Celibacy and asceticism: Everything from monastic orders to fasting. Having no background on the topic, I want suggestions for which books (and/or movies) to read:

1) So, please provide me a list of some (so that I find out one or two at least in my area) books or articles or links which are 'essential' to my topic and are as well fairly short.

2. Information on a movie which deals with the priesthood and celibacy--the name is something like 'in the name of roses.' Do you know which movie I am talking about?

3) Information on a book by Aristotle or some philosopher, which was not assumed to be read by priests; whoever read it, ended up dying. However in the end, they found out that there was a poison on the papers of book. If you know the title of this movie or know some links to search, please let me know.

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Other Subject: Celibacy and asceticism
Reference No:- TGS032716

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