
Ceate a new list call it clocklist of type mylinkedlist

Plz, use NETBEANS 8.1 or 8.2 to solve it. Mention every answer to it's question

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Create a new Java Application to manage Linked Lists: (Note: Do not use java.util.LinkedList)

a) Create a Clock class

1. Add hour, minute, and second as attributes

2. Add a constructor and a toString() method

3. Implement the Comparable interface, and add a CompareTo() method

4. Add methods to get and set all attributes.

b) Add to MyLinkedList class the following methods:

1. Insert a node at the front of the list

2. Insert a Node in place, assuming that the list is ordered in ascending order.

3. Delete node in front

4. Delete last node

5. Method to return the size of the list

6. Method to find the node with the minimum value in the list - getMinimum()

c) Create a Test3 class to do the following in the main method:

1. Create a new List (call it clockList) of type MyLinkedList

2. Insert five Clock objects numbers to the list (not ordered).

3. Display all the clocks in the List

4. Sort the List and display it in both ascending and descending

5. Display the largest element in the list

6. Display the smallest element in the list

7. Display the size of the list

8. Search for a particular clock in the List by printing true if found or false.

9. Delete a clock from the front of the list

10. Delete a clock from the back of the list

11. Order the list in ascending order

12. Insert a new clock elements to its appropriate position in the List and display it

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JAVA Programming: Ceate a new list call it clocklist of type mylinkedlist
Reference No:- TGS02895358

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