
Ce5616-ce3608 design of water supply network by proprietary

Water Network Design Assignment :-


1. Design of Water Supply Network by proprietary hydraulic analysis software.

2. Optimise the design, efficiency and cost of the system.

3. Produce an NPV Cost Analysis

4. Develop an Environment & Third Party Management Plan and Risk Register


Consider this as your submission as Design Engineer to the Developer, Architect. Contractor and City Planner in a bid to win the Project for undertaking Detailed Design by your Engineering Consultancy.

Clearly communicate all assumptions, design decisions and further actions required later at the detailed design stage etc.

Guidelines for Health and Safety Risk Assessment Register
Titles: Purpose, document reference and project, date, sheet number etc

Format: Tabular columns on single A4 sheet

Suggested Headings:
Date Raised
Raised by
Item Reference Number
Activity Element
Potential Hazards
Consequence/Likelihood/Risk Rating
Persons at Risk
Design measures taken to eliminate or reduce the hazard
Information provided about the residual hazards
Actioned by
Date Actioned

Guidelines for NPV Analysis

Key Objective :

To demonstrate full understanding of performing an NPV analysis of two or more competing options for a relevant element of design within the network.

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Other Engineering: Ce5616-ce3608 design of water supply network by proprietary
Reference No:- TGS02532906

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