
Ce00329-6 distributed computer systems - gulf college -

Java programming language is an object oriented and platform-independent language that was designed and developed by sun Microsystems. Java has many interesting features such as threads, socket programming, networking, general-purpose GUI toolkit and security model that allows untrusted applications from unknown source to be executed on your local system without worry. Further, an application developed in java in one platform can be run on another platform without any porting.

Socket programming is just one of the many techniques in Java that could be used to establish two-way communication between two programs (typically a client and a server) in a network.


You are required to design an application which implements the communication between a client and a server. In this assignment, it requires you to build a distributed application called Student? Enquiry Service (SES). The application involves client and a server. The client sends enquiries to the server; the server executes the commands and displays whatever the server sends back to the client. The SES application is a standard application available in the university wherein student can enquire about their course to be registered, the application must to handle multi -user access on the client side.

Problem description
A distributed application students Enquiry service (SES) enables a client to send request to the server (University machine). The server manages all the requests coming from the client and maintains student account information.

This assignment is divided into two parts and should implement the following operations:

On the client part:
Login/logout as user: sends student number to the server program for verification purpose with login name and appropriate password;
Enquiry: operations that display how many course a student can register;
Add course: operations that enables student to righter/enroll courses.
Calculate tuition fee: operations that allows student to view total tuition fees
Change password: operations that enables student to chat his/her password at any given time; and
You are required to add functionality which you feel necessary to improve the system. Write a short explanation in your report the relevance to these additional functionalities.

On the server part:

The server should be able to
Ask the client program to send the necessary information to the server and
Send a message to client program indicating that the communication is succeeded or aborted.

Design requirement
Student are required to provide two separate programs for this assignment; a client program and a server program using java Netbeans. The

Two programs should communicate with each other ina connection oriented manner using sockets.

The minimum requirements for this assignment are mentioned above. Further student have the freedom to choose what functionalities they want to add order to have a good understanding on each functionality, student should prepare a well documented report.

1. Report

  • Discuss your design, dialogue specification and the error checking process you undertake;
  • Provide diagnostics test of your program showing both correct and erroneous use of the server/client;
  • Write the source codes for each program and each functionality with explanation;
  • Provide a readme file which includes information about the procedure on how the program should be compiled and executed;
  • Include relevant information in your report; and
  • Submit your report to Turnitin and attach the percentage of plagiarism along with your hard copy submission

2. Program
Softcopy of your program (both client and server) mint be saved In a CO/flash drive.

3. Interview and Demo
Interview and demo win be conducted on the 13th week of the semester during your class time. This may be supported by the draft documentation of work completed up to date in the Interview, you need to bring the complete and working program. At this stage, you are expected to have clear idea about the aspects of your distributed implementation.

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Software Engineering: Ce00329-6 distributed computer systems - gulf college -
Reference No:- TGS02794205

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