
Ce 364 programming in python project - word cookies game

Programming in Python Project - Word Cookies Game

I. Introduction -

This project assesses your ability to carry out specific software development activities in order to develop an engineered solution to an operating system problem. This involves identifying the requirements, writing a specification, designing, testing and evaluating a solution. The process has several stages and some investigation is required so you show plan the work carefully.

Working successfully as a team is a key requirement for working in industry, and for this project you will be working in small group maximum of 3 students only.

You have to develop the solution to the assignment mainly in your own time, however, some of the office hours will be set aside to enable you to seek clarification, elicit more details from the client and receive feedback on your work.

The stages of the project are as follows:

1. (Deliverable 1) - Deadline is on Project Report. (Deliverable 2) - Code File, Code Analysis and Individual Demonstration (Python).

2. Project Presentation.

Do not diverge from the project specification. If you want to make any addition to the project and are unsure whether this breaks the specification, check it with your instructor first.

II. Learning Outcomes -

  • Make an informed choice of implementation method for a given problem, implement and document a structured application to meet a given specification.
  • Recognition of the need for a structure that contains multiple pieces of data, and how to create a hierarchy of structures.
  • Critically evaluate a complier program with regard to robustness, usability, maintainability, readability and efficiency.

III. Project Files

You will be provided with two sets of files: python dictionaries storing different words to give varieties of the words for the game.

IV. Project Summary

Scenario - Python is used in many fields like science, web applications, engineering problems, bio-informatics, business industry and many other applications. This project is about picking set of word from pre-defined python dictionary file and request from the user to guess the correct word. Students in each group are required to write a program to that ask the user to pick one sets of words and starts to guess them.

Full Description -

Word cookies games (also called word game puzzles) are spoken or board games often designed to test ability with language or to explore its properties.

Word games are generally engaged as a source of entertainment, but have been found to serve an educational purpose as well. For instance, it is an interesting tool where people such as young children developing important language skills. Solving crossword puzzles, which requires familiarity with a larger vocabulary, is a pastime that mature adults have long credited with keeping their minds sharp.

The game will work according to the following rules:

Menu based program: that gives the user many levels options

1. Essay (only 3 letters per word)

2. Medium (only 4 letters per word)

3. Difficult (5 letters per word).

  • In each level the user has ten words to guess, each words has limited number of trials to be guessed.
  • After choosing the level of the game, the program should display set of letters according to the level chosen and the user should guess the word to match the one in the dictionary file.
  • The limitations on number of guessing, either by specific trial numbers, or limitation by time period.
  • A score or each level successfully finished should be displayed that counts how many correct words he/she guessed.

Testing - Create a test file from the sample input tiles provided. Your code should be robust and resilient to changes in input.

Code Style and Layout - Your code needs to adhere to the Python Style guide (refer to the official online Documentation project for python).

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Python Programming: Ce 364 programming in python project - word cookies game
Reference No:- TGS02749932

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