
Cc08-1 - system analysis and design - business for which an

This assessment is an individual assignment which will count for 50% of the overall grade. The student will perform an analysis of an information system submit a report.

Instructions to the students:

Choose a business for which an information system is needed and specify what motivates you to select this topic.

Topic - Online shopping system

Task 1: Proposal

For this task, you should submit an assignment proposal. The written report should include at least the following:
a. Introduction
b. background information about the organization (you should explain about your reference system)
c. statement of the problem to be solved
d. how the information system can solve their problems
e. Objective for the proposed system

Task 2: Limited requirement specification
You should submit a requirement specification document limited to the list of functionalities to be included as well as the non-functional requirements.
a. The fact-finding techniques should be clearly explained with proper justification. You have to provide evidence of contact with people, organisation or reading documents. (Interviews, questionnaires, sample forms or documents)
b. There should be a minimum of 5 functional and 3 non-functional requirements. Each requirement MUST be explained in a paragraph. Brief points will NOT be accepted!
c. Explain how the business (in your case) can be benefited from information system.

Task 3: Limited logical design
The logical design of the system MUST match the requirements. Following parts should be included in Task 3:
a. Context- level DFD diagram.
b. Level-0 DFD diagram (detailed process flow, data flows and data stores). You need to clearly identify and label all the processes, data stores, external agents and data flows.
c. Create an event table for the high level events that your system must be able to respond to. The table should contain the events, trigger, source, use case, response and destination.

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Programming Languages: Cc08-1 - system analysis and design - business for which an
Reference No:- TGS02575351

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