Causes of a psychological dysfunction

Question 1: Albert is a 22 year old Young person suffering from aids. He has left school and is currently working in a textile factory in the EPZ sector. He is looked down by his parents, friends, and colleagues as of his medical problem. Recommend a psychological therapy which could be used to help that person.

Question 2: Linda is a 9 year old low achieving child in a primary school. She passed standard one but failed in all academic subjects in standard two and standard three correspondingly. Though, she has got excellent drawing and painting skills. Besides, she enjoys outdoor activities.

Recommend a therapeutic intervention program for that child.

Question 3:

a) What are the causes of a psychological dysfunction according to the behavior therapists?

b) Show how a behavior therapist would treat a child’s phobia of a puppy.

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Other Subject: Causes of a psychological dysfunction
Reference No:- TGS06357

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