Read: Burke, W.W. & Litwin, G.H. (1992) A causal model of organizational performance and change. Journal of Management, 18(3), 523-545.
The Burke-Litwin is a complicated model and is, perhaps, too big for an analysis of this size. For that reason, I would urge you to limit your analysis to those transactional variables they identify in the article.
Using StarBucks Coffee apply these variables:
- Structure
- Tasks and Skills
- Management practices
- Systems and Policies
- Work unit climate
- Motivation
- Individual needs and goals
Identify the key throughput variables and discuss how they are interrelated. Focus on whether they fit together or work toward opposite ends. For example, does the Human Resource System staff the organization with workers who have the right skills for the requirements of the production system? Does the compensation system quash motivation or the climate support individual needs and goals? Does the structure fit management practices?
Please help identify these variables for Starbucks and how they fit together.