Assignment task:
James is a 25yr Caucasian male who presents to clinic for evaluation of medication. He began medication 4 months ago while in the hospital following a psychotic episode. He began experiencing command auditory hallucination telling him to kill himself. He also began to see shadow figures in his periphery. During the episode he was fearful and anxious. There was no symptoms of depression, mania or hypomania. This was his first episode of symptoms and treatment. While inpatient James was started on Risperidone 1mg and titrated to Risperidone 2mg two times per day. After discharge James had breakthrough symptoms which led to titrating medication to Risperidone 3mg two times per day. He experienced benefit with each increase, but medication faded within 2 to 3 weeks. He reports of taking medication most days. James now presents in clinic actively responding to internal stimuli. He reports of auditory hallucinations daily including command statements and paranoia. He also reports of seeing "shadow figures" at night. He reports of anxiety related to the paranoid statements from auditory hallucinations. He has struggled to maintain showering and appointments. He averages 2 showers per week and is sporadically eating. He denies thoughts or plan of harming self. Looking for Assignment Help?