Question 1: With the help of a neat sketch explain the construction and working of different parts of a cathode ray tube.
Question 2: Deduce an expression for the vertical deflection on the screen of a cathode ray tube in terms of length of plates, accelerating voltage, separation distance, deflecting voltage and the distance of screen from the origin.
Question 3: Explain the functions of the necessary components of a CRO with the help of block diagram. How the sensitivity of a CR tube is rated? How would you use CRO to measure the phase difference of two sinusoidal signals?
Question 4: Describe with block diagram the different parts of a CRT. What additional components are required to make it a CRO? Describe how you would measure frequency by using a CRO.
Question 5: Describe the different applications of oscilloscope for the measurement of voltage, current, phase angle and frequency.
Question 6: Explain how the given are determined from the trace on a CRT.
a) rms value of a sine wave
b) Phase difference between two voltages of the similar frequency.
Question 7: Describe how the applied voltage wave is displayed on the screen of a cathode ray tube. Sketch the similar.
Question 8: What are the different applications of the cathode ray oscilloscope?
Question 9: With the help of a sketch, explain the principle of operation of a cathode ray oscilloscope. Illustrate the applications in the field of measurements.
Question 10: Write brief notes on the given:
a) Cathode ray oscilloscope.
b) Cathode ray tube.
c) Basic controls of a CRO.