
Categorize elements of the learning environment

Assignment task: Elements of Learning Environment

Competency: Categorize elements of the learning environment.


No matter the type of learner a teacher has in their classroom, offering effective elements of the learning environment will put learners in a good position to succeed. As a final step before her observation, you have asked Dr. Lydia to create a Teaching Vision Statement. The vision statement will include statements of what classroom characteristics Dr. Lydia will feature to be an effective educator. To help Dr. Lydia, you have decided to create your own Teaching Vision Statement as an example.


To create your Teaching Vision Statement, provide 1-2 sentences explaining why each characteristic is important in the learning environment:

o The importance of asking strong questions.

o The importance of having valid answers.

o The importance of perspective-taking.

o The importance of personalized learning.

o The importance of valid and reliable assessment.

o The importance of rubrics.

o The importance of the teacher modeling best-known practices.

o The importance of learning communities.

o The importance of supportive but clear feedback.

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Other Subject: Categorize elements of the learning environment
Reference No:- TGS03443799

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