Q1. Which of the below is the most accurate explanation of a virus?
A. a non-cellular eukaryote
B. one of the smallest bacteria recognized
C. member of the kingdom Viruses
D. cell at the boundary between the living and non-living things
E. replicating complexes of RNA or DNA protected by protein
Q2. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or ‘mad cow disease’ is caused by:
A. archeon
B. bacterium
C. cyanobacterium
D. prion
E. virus
Q3. The Single celled eukaryotes belong to kingdom of:
A. Prokaryotae
B. Protista
C. Fungi
D. Plantae
E. Animalia
Q4. Three shapes of the bacteria are:
A. haplontic, diplontic and alternations.
B. anaerobic, aerobic and facultative.
C. heterotrophic, autotrophic and chemosynthetic.
D. bacillus, coccus and spirillum.
Q5. Categorization by domains separates traditional bacteria to:
A. Archaea and Cyanobacteria.
B. Bacteria and Cyanobacteria.
C. Photosynthetic bacteria and chemosynthetic bacteria.
D. Archaea and Bacteria.
E. Autotrophs and heterotrophs.