
Categories of drug buy operations


1. Describe and discuss in detail the four major categories of drug buy operations. Identify one of the Saint Leo Core values and apply it to the discussion. (250 words)

2. NYPD leadership made decisions to post their personnel overseas to help them collect intelligence and interface with foreign law enforcement and intelligence officials. Obviously, this decision has caused some conflict among our federal law enforcement personnel.

You should know NONE of our federal agents (no local U.S. law enforcement included) who are assigned overseas has any arrest authority...in fact in certain situations it is federal felony crime if our agents become involved in foreign arrests etc. You should research-report back on the Mansfield Act...and how it can impact U.S. law enforcement personnel?

What law applies for U.S. law enforcement to carry firearms assigned overseas?

Can our NYPD or other non federal law enforcement apply for and be authorized Diplomatic status serving overseas...explain?

Jealousy appears to be at the center of the NYPD program and instead we can only imagine the benefit if we can work together. However, as sensitive it is to discuss, local and federal law enforcement are very different is scope, mission and goals, do you know why?

Can our federal law enforcement obtain reports or information from NYPD or other non federal law enforcement personnel assigned overseas...explain?

Can NYPD or other non federal law enforcement obtain copies and information from federal agencies...explain?

What if many large, medium and smaller non federal agencies (state, county and local) would like to have personnel posted overseas working with NYPD officers...discuss the pros and cons? Keep in mind NYPD has more sworn LEO's than all federal agencies combined.

Report on valid data that analyzes the value of the NYPD program-is the return of resources/time and money of value?

Identify the application-value of NIMS to global law enforcement and first responders?

3. What do you believe are the most important Arab-Israeli War (1948 Independence of Israel, 1956 Suez Canal War, 1967 Six Days War, 1973 Yom Kippur War). Why? Do you believe there will ever be peace between Israeli and Arab-Palestinians? Why? (250 words)

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Other Subject: Categories of drug buy operations
Reference No:- TGS01810704

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