
Casino planning committee for your community

Question 1. What are the pros (3) and cons (3) of allowing a Casino to be built in a State in the US that has not previously allowed casinos (ie: Massachusetts)? Please explain each.

Question 2. You have the opportunity to be on the Casino Planning Committee for your community. What are the 3 points that you would emphasize that would have a positive impact on your community from having the Casino in your back yard and what would be the 3 negative points that could have a negative impact on your community. Explain each, and on the negative impacts, what would you have the casino management do to mitigate these?

Question 3. As a casino manager, what would be your top 5 priorities in running the business successfully? Explain each.

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Other Management: Casino planning committee for your community
Reference No:- TGS01780886

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