
cash fow financial perspective relevance

Cash fow, financial perspective, relevance, stakeholders

(1) What might be the difference in managing the cash flow of a for-profit verus a non-profit?

(2) Many companies place diproportionate emphasis on the financial perspective at the expense of the other three perspectives. Give an example of an organization which you are familiar from either previous work, the news, or personal experience where this has been the case. What were the results of this focus on the financial perspective on the customers and other stakeholders? Be as specific as you can and give concrete examples.

(3) Can you think of any organizations that do not have relevant "customer" to take into consideration? If there are such, how are they different from other organizations where all parts of the Balanced Scorecard operate equally.

(4) Organizations are complex sysytems with stakeholders. Somtimes the interests of various stakeholders can conflict. For your initial post to this discussion, please give an example of a business porcess where the interests of two (or more) stakeholders are in opposition

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Business Management: cash fow financial perspective relevance
Reference No:- TGS0482294

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