Review: CASE STUDY- The Wakewood Organisation
With reference appropriate models and theories, examine the ways in which attitudes to change within an organisation can be adapted in order to improve performance
Evaluate the potential influences upon organisational culture and sub cultures and demonstrate your understanding of the ways in which they can affect each other
Analyse the ways in which individual personalities and power relationships could influence management styles within the organisation
Greater credit will be given to work showing originality, a holistic response to the task and reference to current data/examples to support points made.
Response should be 2,500 +/- 10% words.
Outcomes :
Knowledge and understanding:
a. Evaluate the global nature of contemporary business organisations and the environmental factors which impact upon international operations
d. Evaluate resource management issues which arise as a result of operating in an international market.
a. Evaluate a range of management issues associated with International operations
b. Apply theoretical models/concepts to a range of international Management situations
c. Analyse complex issues, arguments and tasks associated with the Management of international organisations