Using the following reference, answer the 3 attached questions.
Human Resource Management Applications: Cases, Exercises, Incidents, and Skill Builders, Stella M. Nkomo, Myron D. Fottler, R. Bruce McAfee
This incident focuses on some of the problems associated with giving fringe benefits to employees. While the incident deals with two particular benefits, tuition reimbursement and educational leaves of absence, the principles involved apply to other benefits as well. The issue involved here is that of equity and fair treatment of all employees. However, in most firms, the nature and amount of benefits varies with one's position within the firm's hierarchy. Supervisors typically receive higher and more varied benefits than non-supervisor personnel. This often leads to conflicts and equity concerns, as we see in this actual case.
Problem 1. Should Rollermakers Corporation allow the two inside sales people miss work in order to attend classes? Should it pay for the tuition? Why?
Problem 2. Should the firm continue to allow the Purchasing Manager to attend the evening MBA program and to pay his tuition?
Problem 3. Should there be a formal policy regarding educational leave or should it remain informal? If the firm decides to formalize its policy, what provisions should it contain?