
Case stusy-the medici

The Medici:

The Medici family was one of wealth and power during the Renaissance period in Italy. Their bank was the largest in Europe during the 15th century, they gained political power at various times, and produced 4 popes. Their legacy, though, will be the monetary support of the arts during the Florentine Renaissance. This support was made possible by the wealth accumulated through the Medici Bank, one of the most prosperous and respected of its time.

While in charge of the bank, Giovanni de’ Medici risked his fortunes by supporting a former pirate, Cossa, in his bid to be pope. When Cossa did in fact assent to the papacy, he repaid Giovanni by handing over the papal account. In addition, Cosimo, his son, encouraged him to invest in civic patronage. Giovanni’s careful selection of clients and organized ledger system provide the family with much power in Florence. Under his watch, the Medici became unofficial rulers of the Republic of Florence. Upon his death there were 26 branches of the Medici bank around Europe and the Medici was the 3rd richest family in Italy.

Following in his father’s footsteps, Cosimo continued to support the arts taking the Florentine Renaissance to new heights. He befriended

Brunelleschi and commissioned him to finish the Florentine Chapel dome. His leadership was fraught with problem though. At one point he was imprisoned and found guilty of treason.It was only after he bribed the wardens that he was able to escape his execution sentence. After a period of banishment, he returned to Florence to oversee the completion of the chapel dome and continue his support of the arts.

It was Cosimo’s grandson, Lorenzo, who would have one of the largest indirect impacts on the Renaissance though. He would raise 3 young men who would become important players in the Renaissance. After his brother was murdered he would take in his nephew, Giulio, and raise him along side his son, Giovanni. Both of these young boys would be pope later in life. Lorenzo would also house a “school” of sorts for artists of the time. His patronage would extend to the likes of Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo. Lorenzo took special interest in Michelangelo and invited him to live with the Medici’s when he was just 13 years old.

In 1513 Giovanni would oversee his own election to be pope. As Leo X he continued his lavish lifestyle running the papal coffers dry. His cousin, Giulio was a cardinal during this period spending most of his time holding off Leo’s creditors. During his reign Leo commissioned Raphael, but is best remembered for his inability to control martin Luther’s rebellion against the Catholic church. Following Leo’s death, Giulio would become Pope Clement VII. He would commission Michelangelo whom he had known since childhood. Michelangelo’s charge was to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Clement VII would have to deal with Henry VIII’s request for a divorce and the refusal of the Holy Roman Emperor to hand over the heretic, Martin Luther.

Subsequently, another Medici, Cosimo I, rose to power in Florence. Saving the city from the excess of the prior Medici Capos, Cosimo also ended the republican form of government and replaced it with an autocracy. After a series of personal tragedies he stepped aside in 1572. It was his great grandson, Ferdinando II, who would be the last to patronage a great thinker of the Renaissance. Ferdinando was a large supporter of Galileo’s scientific theory. Under much pressure from the pope, Ferdinando ended his support, only to regret it later in life.

Respond: Based on your reading of Worlds Together, Worlds Apart; Exchanges, viewing of the film The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance, and your investigation of the links provided on the Interactive Timeline for “Renaissance,” discuss the contribution of the Medici Family during the Florentine Renaissance.

• Which of the Medici do you feel had the greatest impact over time?

• Substantiate your selection using information gathered through the various sources listed above.

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