
case study you have been asked to serve as a

Case Study You have been asked to serve as a nursing representative on a government committee to look at funding for health care of undocumented individuals who work in the United States.  You are well aware that a comprehensive immigration bill has yet to be developed and that these individuals are working in the country as illegal immigrants.  Ethical requirements to provide health care for those in need conflict with legal and political realities.  At the same time, you know that health conditions of everyone in society affect all individuals and families who reside in communities legally or illegally.  Undocumented workers and their children are in the workplace, schools, stores, banks, and other venues where people gather.

1.  What professional nursing values should be considered when developing the committee response?

2. What are some of the goals of the proposed policy options?

3. Who or what is expected to change in the proposed policy, e.g., patient or provider behaviors?

4.  What are the means or methods selected to implement the policy and how are they justified?

5.  What are some of the direct and indirect consequences for individuals, organizations, and the community if the committee recommends that no public funding be provided for health care of undocumented people in the United States?

6.  What help is provided for you in the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses (2001) in reflecting on the elements of the policy proposed or policy options being considered by the committee?

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Business Law and Ethics: case study you have been asked to serve as a
Reference No:- TGS0206340

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