
Case study-wifredo lam

Wifredo Lam:

Drawing from one major figure or movement presented during the survey you are asked to write a research paper discussing key themes of the readings and connecting them to a specific example of art production.

A research paper is one, which is engaged with the discussions and materials presented in class in a way that is critical and informed. Students are asked to establish examples, relations, tensions and critical annotations to the readings and concepts discussed. Your research should involve a set of artistic artifacts and a set of specific themes relevant to the social history of Latin America. Successful papers will present an engagement with the polemics and open questions visited during the survey and demonstrate a formal interpretation and analysis of the art objects. 7-9 pages.

Choose one of the following examples of art production presented in lecture and/or discussed in the readings: (these examples can be expanded to other cases presented in readings and class if the student demonstrates knowledge and research of the chosen artist and art objects). You can choose to extend your previous short paper into a research paper, or you can choose one of the following themes:


The Mexican School of Mural Painting

Diego Rivera

Wifredo Lam

The “Surrealist” in Latin America: Rufino Tamayo, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Carlos Merida, Frida Kahlo, Maria Izquierdo, Hector Hyppolite, Roberto Matta, Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo, Maya Deren.

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