
Case study-where to place the hard rock cafe


Review a Case Study: Where to Place the Hard Rock Café (pp.351-352 and Pearson Video Library) and discuss below:


1. From Munday's Standard Market Research checklist, select any other four categories, such as population (A1), hotels (B2), or restaurants/nightclub (D), and provide three subcategories that should be evaluated. (See item C1 [airport] for a guide.)

2. Why does Hard Rock put such serious effort into its location analysis?

3. Under what conditions do you think Hard Rock prefers to franchise a café?

Each Case Study paper is to consist of the following components:

1. Title page and two written pages with no more than 500 words.

2. References/Appendix (if required)

These are not research papers per se, so you may not have the need to cite outside sources. If you do, however, they should be identified on a proper reference page. Similarly, if you are required to do calculations and choose to perform them on a separate page, you should include them in an appendix.

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Case Study: Case study-where to place the hard rock cafe
Reference No:- TGS01851839

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