
Case study-the white-collar union orgaizer


Review case The White-Collar Union Orgaizer. Your answer should be between 300-500 words, 12 pt. font, double spaced, 1" margins

1. "No one except union officers and union staff members would suffer one iota if unions were to be outlawed in the United States, and enormous numbers of people would gain immeasurably if this should happen!' Discuss.

2. "There is no reason on earth why lower and even middle managers should not consider joining a labor union, and it is really just a fluke that they, at least to date, have not!' Comment fully.

3. "From the labor point of view, there is an intrinsic unfair¬ness in the fact that it is essentially only conflict that attracts attention from the media." How valid, in your opinion, is this statement?

4. "The blue-collar world is the only natural habitat of union¬ism in the United States, and union failures to date outside of this sector prove this statement conclusively!' Do you agree? Why or why not?

S. "Managers resist unions for a variety of entirely logical and rational reasons, and, thus, they can be expected to continue this opposition indefinitely, since the reasons will presumably continue to be logical and rational!' Comment with specifics.

6. More than a few public officials in recent years have argued that any police officer, firefighter, or sanitation worker who goes out on strike in defiance of the law should be fired on the spot. How does such a viewpoint accord with yours?

7. Under what, if any, circumstances would you personally consider joining a union?

8. It has occasionally been argued that the United States is experiencing the cult of the individual. Do you accept this position and, if so, do you think that its continuation would significantly hurt labor's efforts in the years immediately ahead?

9. Do you agree with the opinion of the AFL-CIO researcher cited in this chapter that unions are "somewhat a victim of [their] own success"? Why or why not?

10. "There is something distasteful about college faculty mem¬bers becoming union members. Such situations should be made illegal, as should the unionization of student groups." Discuss.

11. Would you ever consider becoming a labor relations con¬sultant for management? Why or why not?

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Case Study: Case study-the white-collar union orgaizer
Reference No:- TGS01877580

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