
Case study-the two tough calls


Review the Two tough Calls(a) by joseph L.badaracco

HBR Case Studies Memos

In case, you will analyze each case and write a two-page recommendation memo about how you would address the key dynamics in the case that your team sees as important. Know that you will not strive for a "correct" answer. You will use your team members to identify 2-3 key issues, analyze the issues around important implication to the key players, operations, etc., propose 2-3 possible solutions, and write a one-paragraph conclusion and write a one-paragraph recommendation, selecting one possible to incorporate into the recommendation paragraph.


For the two team memos, you will turn in a two-page memo addressing the situation in the case studies about the current state you see in the case in the opening paragraph of the memo and end the paragraph with a description of header formatting in the memo. The memos do not read like a book report about the case. You identify and write descriptively a key issue(s)/problem(s), analyze the issues/problem, provide 2-3 possible solutions, and choose one of the possible solutions as a recommendation. You look at a specific issue or two issues interconnected in the case, and you don't take a broad approach that defines little to nothing about what you think. Be precise and add direction for the problem/issue identification so the reader can make a decision from your memo.

The first header after the introduction paragraph will address what you see as a problem(s) and/or issue(s). Write two paragraphs about this header content, made up of 6-7 lines per paragraph, not exceeding eight lines.

The second header section will provide an analysis of the issue/problem, composed of a couple of paragraphs with a general length of between 6-7 lines. Look at the complexity of the issues/problems you cite, and look to expand the affect to and throughout the organization.

The third header will present 2-3 possible solutions made up of the same number of paragraphs. You write a paragraph for each possible solution, not one paragraph for all three possible solutions for the issue(s)/problem(s) the team will address and/or design to meet what is/are identified as issue(s)/problem(s). When you write a possible solution, present features about it with direct action around the issue/problem.

For the Conclusion and Recommendation header, you will provide a conclusion paragraph (Don't start it with "In conclusion....") that summarizes the main ideas in the memo. Lastly, you end with a recommendation paragraph (Starting with "We recommend....") so the reader when skimming sees the recommendation at the bottom of the second page that provides benefits about the solution that will show how the solution strengthens the organization, department, team and/or individual.

The conclusion paragraph provides a high-level summary of the key items discussed in the memo, not to exceed eight lines. A recommendation paragraph selects one of the possible solutions to solve the issue/problem.

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Case Study: Case study-the two tough calls
Reference No:- TGS01980102

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