
Case study-the hell debate

The Hell Debate:

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The Hell Debate: The debate over the nature of hell is one that can bring out the best and the worst in biblical exegesis. Explore the arguments for the classical view and the annihilationist view of hell while evaluating differing positions and defending your own through a balanced exploration of the Bible. Remember, this debate concerns the nature of hell—not whether or not it is referenced in Scripture. You may also add alternatives such as the metaphorical view to the debate. On this subject, perhaps more than any others, it is important to use primary sources as you evaluate the arguments coming from each position.

The goal of these papers is to not only conclude with a position (even if tentative) regarding the theological issue investigated, but also to interact with the content and arguments for and against the positions that entail all sides of the issue. In other words, you must interact with and respond to opposing views, as well as seriously consider the strengths and weaknesses of your position. In writing this paper, you should work with the biblical text and interact with theological and exegetical arguments used to support all sides of the issue, but nevertheless come to conclusions based upon the strength of the arguments being studied. In doing research of this kind, you are encouraged to use primary sources written by proponents of the positions being espoused. Do not exclusively use secondary sources that summarize the content of a position. Instead, be sure to use sources that argue in support of a position.

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Reference No:- TGS01434692

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