
Case study-the absentee ballot

Title: The Absentee Ballot

I. Introduction:

A. Attention-getter/hook/teaser: It’s that time again. Every 4 years our country goes into a political frenzy over the presidential election. There are all sorts of commercials and campaigns to get you fired up to vote…I’m not here for that. Instead. I’m going to ask you a question, and then provide you with some information I hope you can benefit from

B. Tie to the audience: By a show of hands, how many of  traveled from somewhere else to attend the University of South Alabama

C. Your credentials: Me too. I moved to Mobile from San Antonio TX, where I am a registered voter.

D. Thesis/main topic: Unfortunately there is no way for me to make it back there to vote. This is why it is important to know about ABSENTEE BALLOT.

E. Preview of points: I’m going to briefly discuss 3 things with you

1. Point 1: What is an absentee ballot and how does it work
2. Point 2: Who is eligible for an absentee ballot
3. Point 3: How do you apply for an absentee ballot

II. Body: What is an absentee ballot?

A. Transition:  In its simplest form, an absentee ballot, it is a vote/ballot cast by someone who is unable to attend their regular polling station.

B. Evidence: And it works in a similar fashion. According to the www.dutchesselections.com an absentee ballot is a paper ballot that looks just like the ones used in the voting machines. This allows your vote to remain private. (FAQs about Absentee voting, 2012)

C. Analysis: To ensure the ballot can be counted there is an oath that must be signed and an envelope that it must be sealed in

D. Summarize: This can be done by mail or in person. Signed. Sealed. Delivered.

Body: Who’s eligible?

E. Transition: Now that we know what it is, let’s talk about who’s eligible or may need this service.

F. Evidence: As detailed on the County Board of Elections website www.co.oswego.ny.us/boe/absentee., any registered voter who will be out of their county of residence on an election day due to business, vacation, illness, disability or even jail…as long as there isn’t a felony conviction  (Oswego County Board of Elections Absentee Ballots, 2012 )

G. Analysis: This includes you, if you’re a student attending a school that isn’t in your assigned voting area.

H. Summarize: If you were concerned about your ability to make it to the polls, know that you have options.

Body: How do I apply

I. Transition: Maybe you are in that predicament, and you’re wondering how do I apply?

J. Evidence: Its easy. In its FAQ’s section the www.dutchesselections.com website says you can either pick one up from the board of elections or print a copy from the online website. ( FAQs about Absentee voting, 2012 )

K. Analysis: Upon completion just following the instructions and return it to the Board of Elections within 7 days if mailing or 1 if in person

L. Summarize: It’s a simple process to ensure your vote gets counted

III. Conclusion:

A. Transition: so in conclusion…
B. Restate your preview of points: You now know what an absentee ballot is, who it applies to and how it works
C. Restate your thesis: Again I’m not here to pressure you into voting
D. Link back to your audience: But as students, many of which are away from home, I wanted you to know your options
E. Link back to your credentials: Being a student from another city myself, it’s a process I have been able to utilize
F. End with impact: And now that you know, it’s an option that will ensure that on election day…your voice is heard.

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