
Case study-smoking in the workplace

Smoking in the Workplace:

Here in Los Angeles we took a lot of static when smoking was banned in bars and restaurants. Now, even the jaded New Yorkers are doing it! From a health perspective there are serious questions about second hand smoke. Of course, if you don't want to go into a smoky bar, then don't go in. But some people don't really have that choice, namely those who work there. Or do they? Are people who work in bars and restaurants any different from police or miners, or anyone with a job that has a certain risk? If they know and accept the risk doesn't that make it acceptable? Or should it be like any other work place safety concern? Perhaps people who work in a bar or restaurant have the right to a smoke free and safe environment. Of course, all this depends on whether or not you accept the studies on second hand smoke to begin with.

Do you agree with New York's ban on smoking in bars and restaurants?


I know that the ban goes beyond just bars and restaurants, but please focus only on this aspect and write a three to five page answer. Dig on the web and in proquest to find out as much as you can about the new law, and of course, apply the principles of normative ethics in your answer (utility and deontology).

Please read:

New York state outlaws smoking in all enclosed workplaces
Nation's Restaurant News; New York; Apr 7, 2003; Paul Frumkin;


Moving with unexpected swiftness, New York state lawmakers passed a sweeping anti-smoking measure that makes New York the third state after California and Delaware to ban smoking in all workplaces, including restaurants, bars, and hotels. Within hours of the New York bill's passage, Governor George E. Pataki signed the tough measure, which exempts only America-Indian-owned casinos, cigar bars already licensed in New York City, fraternal clubs, outdoor areas of restaurants with no roof or awning, private homes, and personal but not company cars. New York's ban will take effect July 24 in areas where smoking now is permitted and where local ordinances are weaker. Although the law will not supersede the stricter measures previously passed in Westchester and Nassau counties, it will replace elements of New York City's new law, which took effect March 30.

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Other Management: Case study-smoking in the workplace
Reference No:- TGS01754400

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