
Case study-singapore chemical systems technologies

Review the below case:

Singapore Chemical Systems Technologies (SCST) SCST is a "high tech" company involved in process and biotechnology. SCST is in the process of building a new production facility in Technology Park, Singapore. The facility is to use completely new technology not used anywhere else in the world except on an experimental basis in Japan. This experimental system cannot be used to define jobs, as it is a small-scale facility and is inadequate for this purpose. The positions in the experimental process also cannot be used as model jobs. Premises are being constructed and the installation of equipment will commence in three months. The company wishes to have 45 Singaporean based employees involved in the installation and start-up process. At this stage they only wish to employ Singaporean residents though this may change as the facility comes up to production. It is explained that the first 45 employees will be responsible for bringing the new plant up to production after completing training. The senior management team is already in place. The organisational structure is to be flat with only four levels in the production area. The plant is expected to employ some 250 people when in production on a 24/7 roster. They have requested your consultancy to make a submission for the selection contract. Two other consultancies are being considered. The initial requirement is that you succinctly outline how you would go about hiring 45 people (15 supervisory and 30 senior operators) for the organisation. These people will be using the new technology directly and are seen as the core group whose expertise will be vital to the success of the enterprise. A salary above the normal local rate is being offered to all positions. Salary and allowances are to be paid whilst undertaking training in Japan.

The company intends to recruit the 45 from local applicants prior to the plant opening and provide training courses for them. The course will require the trainees to spend 8 weeks at an associated company's Japanese training centre. There will be one return airfare budgeted for each selectee for a return visit to Singapore for three days after four weeks training. This group will then become supervisors (15) and senior operators (30) in the new production facility. It is expected that the senior operators will be eligible to become supervisors at a later date.

The training commences in 10 weeks' time and cannot be changed. The SCST people indicate that they wish to proceed quickly with the program as they want to get into production before their competitors have a chance to duplicate the technology. They appreciate that this is a form of crisis hiring and wish to award the contract within the next five days in order to have the people selected in time for commencement of the training program and to process visa applications.

SCST has indicated that prior experience of process work is preferred but not essential for the senior operators. For the others some previous process experience or basic qualification is preferred. Position descriptions have not been developed yet. In fact, the company does not wish to use them as they see these as too restrictive. They are also requesting that you indicate the characteristics and skills you would look for in the applicants.

a. Provide a selection system or processes you would use to recruit and select the required people, along with a justification for this system.

b. Describe and justify the criteria, characteristics and skills used for selection.

c. Justify the selection devices you use.

d. The selection system should cover the full process from recruitment through to final selection.

Individual Research-based Project

Review Case Study : Singapore Chemical Systems Technologies (SCST) and response the below in 2500 words:

• A high-tech chemical company

• Currently involved in process and biotechnology manufacturing

• Build a new production facility

• Use completely new technology - nowhere else in the world except a facility in Japan

• This technology still in its experimental stage

• New facility in the process of being constructed

• Installation of equipment in 3 months' time

• Anticipate how long will the installation take - non of the new employees will be around

• Currently company has 250 employees

• Operations run 7 days a week and on 24-hours shifts

• To hire 45 new people for the new start-up (15 supervisors and 30 senior operators)

• New employees must be resident in Singapore

• Their salaries would be above normal market rate

• Training in Japan for 8 weeks

• Promotional prospects for new senior operators

• Prior experience is preferred but not essential

• Confidentiality of the project -( suggest use of professional recruiters to SCST)

• The start-up strategy may change at later stage

Some other considerations when making proposal l

Q1 : Provide a selection system or process you would use to recruit and select the required people, and justification for this system.

• Describe the differences between recruitment and selection

• What are the sources for the recruitment process?

• What sources would SCST choose for their recruitment drive to select their new employees, and why?

• What are the jobs that SCST is intending to fill?

• What are the qualifications, skills, attributes, etc. that SCST would consider for the vacant positions?

• Why is the hiring (recruitment and selection) process that you have chosen is most appropriate for SCST?

Q2 : Describe and justify the criteria, characteristics and skills used for selection.

• What is the method for sorting the most appropriate resumes for the purpose of the selection process?

• Describe an appropriate process for SCST for selecting the candidates with the greatest potential for the organization.

• How should the interviews be structured?

• Who should be involved in the interviews, and why?

• What skills must the interviewers possess, if an interview panel is adopted?

• Describe the interview structure (or format)

Q3 : Justify the selection devices you use.

• What interview method would you propose that SCST should use and why?

• Describe some of the devices (or tests) that SCST could use to decide on the selection of their candidates.

• Which the devices would you suggest SCST to use to complement the interviews?

• Why do you select these devices, bearing in mind the usefulness, validity and reliability of the chosen devices?

• What the pitfalls the interviewers must avoid during the interviews and when they apply the tests on the potential candidates?

Q4 : The selection system should cover the full process from recruitment through to final selection.

• As a invited consultant to the project, provide a formal report on the entire hiring process - from the time the organization decides to bring in new people into the organization until the new facility starts operation. (You decide on the presentation format)

• Remember that these new employees would be sent for training after they join the organization. Consider the return of investment (ROI) on these new employees!

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Case Study: Case study-singapore chemical systems technologies
Reference No:- TGS01784404

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