
Case study report on business ethics

Case study report on business ethics:

1. Which human or employee rights are at stake in this case, and who are the key stakeholders? (500 words)

2. Apply John Ruggie’s framework for business and human rights of ‘protect, respect and remedy’ to this situation. What does this suggest about the relative responsibilities of corporations and governments in this case? (500 words)

3. Should Western companies consider further action to help protect child cotton workers, or have they already effectively discharged their responsibility by instituting a boycott of Uzbek cotton? (500 words)

4. If you were working for a group dedicated to eradicating child labour, what would your strategy be now? (500 words)

This response requires a report format (2,000 words approx.). Again, the words allocated for each section are discretionary. Marks will be awarded on the basis of quality, which in this instance refers to how well you demonstrate a deep understanding of the issues involved and the inadequacy of simplistic solutions with appropriate emphasis on where you see the major lever change in this situation. Refer to the Communications Skills Handbook for correct formatting details.

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Business Management: Case study report on business ethics
Reference No:- TGS01431465

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