
Case study-pirates of globalization


Review Practicing International Management Case Pirates of Globalization and discuss below:

I. Do you think that the international business community is being too lax about the abuse of intellectual property rights? Are international companies simply afraid to speak out for fear of jeopardi zing access to attractive markets?

2. Increased d igital communication may pose a threat to intellectual property because technology allows people to crea te perfect clones of original works. How do you think the Internet is affecting intellectual property

3. Locate in formation on the Tiffany versus eBay lawsuit men tioned in the case. Identify the arguments of the plaintiff and the defendant and who prevailed. What are the implications of that lawsuit for the sale of counterfeits in online auctions?

Review Practicing International Management Case Cuba Comes Off Its Sugar High and discuss below:

1. Why do you think the Cuban government requires non­ Cuban businesses to hire and pay workers only th rough the governmen t? Do you think it is ethical for non-Cuban businesses to enter in to partnerships wi tht he Cuban government? Why or why not?

2. Do some research on Cuba, and descri be a scenario for
economic transition in the even t that the cu nent regime collapses. How do you t hi nk transition to a market econ­ omy in Cuba wou ld differ from the experiences of Russia and China?

3. The United States has enacted a law that permits U.S. com­panies to sue compan ies from other nations that traffic in the prope11y of U.S. firms nationalized by Cu ba. The Jaw also empowers the U.S. government to den y en try visas to the executives of such finns as well as their families. Why does the United States main tain such a hard li ne against doing business with Cuba? Do you thin k this em bargo is i n the U nited States' best interests? Why or why not?

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Case Study: Case study-pirates of globalization
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