
Case study-operation on a battalion commander

On a TV show (M*A*S*H), an army surgeon performed an unnecessary operation on a battalion commander merely to remove him from battle during the time he would need to recuperate from the surgery. As a result of overagrressiveness the battalion commander had an abnormally high causality rate among his men, and the surgeon knew that by performing the operation he would probably save the lives of hundreds of soldiers who otherwise would have been victims of the commander's eagerness. A fellow surgeon counseled him that it was unethical to operate on a health body. But the operating surgeon felt that more good than bad would come out of his decision. Who do you agree with? Do you feel that the ends does justify the means in this case? If so, when? If not, why not?

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Business Management: Case study-operation on a battalion commander
Reference No:- TGS0102142

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