
Case study of jimmy buffet and parrotheads


The case study begins by defining why Jimmy Buffet fans are referred to as "Parrot Heads". The moniker was given to them at an Eagles concert when the band looked out into the crowd of Jimmy Buffet fans and saw a sea of Hawaiian shirts and commented that they looked like a sea of Deadheads in tropical suits, and the name Parrot Heads has stuck since that moment (Solomon, 2011).

The Jimmy Buffet name certainly represents a conglomerate of business ventures that seek to capture the loyalty of his fan base and diversify his business opportunities. Besides being an accomplished singer, Jimmy Buffet is a successful writer and currently has several food products that bare the Buffet brand name.

Jimmy Buffet fans are loyal consumers that enjoy every aspect of what it means to be a Parrot Head. These fans flock to his concerts in droves, wearing tropical shirts, parrot hats, and having an interactive time with one another. Parrot Heads are a diverse group of people and cannot be pigeon holed into one genre. They represent many variations in social groups and celebrate what it means to be a Parrot Head with great pride.

Perhaps the greatest attribute of Parrot Heads is their ability to organize and perform many charitable actions in their communities. As a result, these charitable groups reap rewards from Jimmy Buffet such as prime tickets and choice seating at concerts. Being a Parrot Head is not only a well-earned moniker, but it represents a group that is renowned for their charity, loyalty, and reputable consumer brand.

Sources Listed:

Solomon, M. (2011). "Consumer Behavior. Buying, having, and being." 9th Edition. Pearson Hall Publishing.

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Marketing Management: Case study of jimmy buffet and parrotheads
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