
Case study of ginsters

Ginsters Case Study Assessment:

This briefing for the assessment task will be supplemented by a verbal briefing from the Module Leader and the Client. You should take notes at these verbal briefings and add them to the following:

Write a strategic marketing report recommending how the recently announced sponsorship of Plymouth Argyle can be leveraged to grow the Ginsters market share of the cooked, packaged, savoury pastry market in the UK by 5% in 12 months. Your report should be comprehensive and cover all aspects of the marketing for the 12 months commencing January 2017.

The learning outcomes that will be met through this assessment:

1. Analyse the circumstances of an organisation as a basis for developing and implementing strategic marketing plans

2. Understand how the twin concepts of marketing opportunities and competitive advantage influence marketing strategy decisions

3. Undertake detailed analysis using appropriate models to identify, evaluate and select alternative marketing strategies

4. Integrate marketing mix tools to assist in achieving a competitive market position

2. The Content
You must present your report in the recommended business report format (see guide on Moodle).
The sections of your report must include, but are not limited to:

• The marketing environment and what have been the drivers that have taken Ginsters to its present position in the FMCG market and now one of the UK's major brands. In particular, consider what are the factors that give Ginsters its sustainable competitive advantage

• What are the Ginsters brand values, include details on brand image and perceptions, brand equity, brand positioning. A critical part of this will be the match-up of the brand to football and Plymouth Argyle. You might also consider the corporate values and operating ethos as part of the brand.

• Discuss in depth, the marketing strategic options for Ginsters to use the sponsorship to a) maintain its competitive position in its markets and b) grow its share of the UK market. In this section there are a very wide variety of factors you might consider but the essential elements will be: product mix, segmentation, new product opportunities, market attractiveness, diversification, growth market opportunities and pricing policies.

• How is Ginsters now, and in the future, how should it be, addressing issues of sustainability.

You will be assessed on:

• the quality and depth of your knowledge of Ginsters, the markets in which it operates and the impact sponsorship will have;

• the use of theoretical models to explain your analysis;

• the correct formatting of your report, including writing the executive summary;

3. Report format
Your report should be written in Word and submitted via Moodle before the deadline of 12:00 Thursday December 15th. If you submit in any other format it may not be possible to read it or give you feedback. It will account for 70% of the module mark.
The marking grid is shown in Appendix 1 of the module outline. This is the primary means of marking and feedback.
The word count is 2,500 to 3,000 words. You must not exceed the word limit. The contents page, Executive Summary and Reference list are not included. Charts and diagrams are not included in the word count. Tables are included in the word count.
You may include additional relevant information in an appendix; however all essential information must be in the body of the report. You will only be assessed on the body of your report. Tutors will review any appendices and may comment on them, but they will not be included in the assessment.

4. Academic offences
We treat academic offences very seriously. Any student who is proven to have committed an offence may be placing their degree in jeopardy. Please read carefully section #3.5 in the module outline published on the course page of the DLE.

5. Skills addressed in this assessment:

• Critical marketing analysis

• The application of theory to a real brand

• Report writing

• Analysis of key marketing issues

• The ability to distil a lot of information into a succinct, pragmatic and business-like format

• Creative management skills.

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Marketing Management: Case study of ginsters
Reference No:- TGS01748381

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