
Case study-nike considered-getting traction


Review Case study: Nike Considered: Getting Traction on Sustainability by Rebecca Henderson, Richard M. Locke, Christopher Lyddy, Cate Reavis

1. Identification of problems and issues - Problems and issues in the case need to be identifiedand prioritized. This step is crucial as it will provide the basis of your analysis. When identifying problemsand issues it is useful to ask yourself the following questions:

a) Have I listed the problems and issues in order of importance and immediacy?

b) Have I identified underlying problems or merely symptoms of problems?

c) Are the problems I have identified free of judgement and evaluation, i.e., have I been objective?

2. Define the goal of the Corporate Responsibility VP.

3. Complete a thorough SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis tothe implementation of an effective Corporate Responsibility strategy at Nike - In this step,application theory is utilized to determine the causes and implications of the identifiedproblems: The following questions may also prove helpful in your analysis:

a) What are the facts? (Distinguish between case fact and someone's opinion).

b) What inferences can I make from the facts? Do the facts support the inferences I have made?

c) What theories or models could I apply to this information in order to better understand what isgoing on and why?

d) Have I made good use of theory/models relating to CSR?

e) Have I examined the apparent consistencies and inconsistencies in the case?

f) Are there multiple causes to the identified problems?

g) Have I drawn clear implications and conclusions from my analysis?

4. Comment on the importance of employee motivation and the use of rewards/awards in the CR process as "learning and motivational tools"

5. Discuss the inter-related nature of corporate responsibility, environmental sustainability and the bottom line

6. Discuss the major possible options VP Jones may consider in order to improve upon

Considered's strategy going forward

a) Do my recommendations fit my analysis?

b) Am I consistent?

c) Have I addressed all the identified problems and issues in my proposed solution?

d) Have I identified the implications of my recommendations?

e) Have I been specific and clear in my recommendations?

f) Would I know what to do to implement my plan if I were reading the analysis for the first time?

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Case Study: Case study-nike considered-getting traction
Reference No:- TGS02039954

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