Review the HLSC 102 Fall 2016 Case Study: Mrs. Fox. Outpatient Care and discuss below:
A. In class wt have descnbed the scope of prank( of many healthcare care providers. other than the general categories of physical therapy.. occupational therapy. physician. nurse. etc. 1-here are at minimum, 18 specialty pros iders that might have provided service's to Mrs. Fox and her family in this outpatient Case Study scenario. Next to the situation or "clue" associated with each number in the scenario. name the specialist or care giver. that most probably was or logically could have been, involved in that step of the saga. For example. instead of physician. name the specialty. i.e. Cardiologist. Neurologist. or if a therapist name which type. Name at least 10.
B. It is true that owners can get sick from their pets. Considering this case stud). name at least (2) conditions "Sonny" might have transmitted to his family.
C. Lower limb amputees are subject to secondary physical complications. Describe at least (2) Mrs. Fox has encountered. Why did they occur and how may they be decreased in the future.