
Case study-monique and the mango rains

Monique and the Mango Rains:

Discuss gendered inequality (and social stratification) from an anthropological perspective, using examples from Monique and the Mango Rains to explain your position.


Discuss the social stratification of women from an anthropological perspective, highlighting the varying components that factor into gendered inequality for Malian Minianka women. Using theories and data discussed in class, combined with ethnographic examples from Monique and the Mango Rains, what do you think are some of the obstacles faced by Malian Minianka women in achieving higher status? Specifically relate gendered inequality to at least three of the following anthropological concepts as they relate to the book:

  • Kinship
  • Family
  • Marriage
  • Sexuality
  • Economy
  • Division of Labor
  • Subsistence

Reproductive health issues:


Be sure that you define/describe how you are using the terms and make an explicit attempt to make connections between the book and other course material (readings, lecture, etc.).


Maximum 5 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. font (do not waste space). Put your name in a header and insert page numbers at the bottom of each page.

Your essay should have an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement (see Essay Worksheet). You must make an argument and back up your argument with examples ?"9s equates to three examples for each of the three concepts that you select from above). When citing examples simply reference the source and page number for in-line citations. For example: “,” (KH 126); “,” (Lecture 2); “,” (AM 261). Please note that is not enough to just have a quote (i.e., a quote is not an example necessarily).

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