
Case study mohegan sun and the future of data security by

Case Study: Mohegan Sun and the Future of Data Security By Edward Cone

INSTRUCTIONS: Your response should be no longer than 6 pages of 12 point font size in total.

Answer the following questions:

1. List your top 5 concerns within the case study and explain your reasons and logic for selecting these concerns and the possible financial impact (does not need to be qualitative) and/or damage to reputation.

2. Using the list from #1 above, describe 5 specific policies that you would establish to address these concerns.

3. Congratulations!  Today is your first day as CSO for the organization.  You understand the importance of Information Security and Security in general as it applies to casinos.  You have been tasked to list the topics that will be included in the new employee orientation.  These topics should support the casino's Information Security Policy.  Make as many assumptions as needed to complete this task.  Each topic should include a couple of sentences explaining the topic.

4. Its day 2 on the job.  As CSO of the Casino, you have to organize a security department.  For this question, assume you have 20 dedicated InfoSec/IT experts in your organization.  There are 80 other IT professionals for a total workforce of 100 Full Time IT resources.

a. How would you set up the IT security organization? The organization should include reporting functions and direct/indirect reporting relationships.

5. Based on the information provided,

a. What disaster recovery plans would you recommend to provide a reasonable backup should a natural or manmade disaster should occur?

b. What limitations would you have to take into account for a casino?

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: Case study mohegan sun and the future of data security by
Reference No:- TGS02485802

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