
Case study-lord conrad blacks fiduciary duty

Case Study – Lord Conrad Black’s Fiduciary Duty


Ethics & Accountability:

You are required to select and submit answers to questions relating to one Case Study from the list of Case Studies below. Answers to Case Study questions must be supported, were appropriate, by reference to RELEVANT ETHICAL THEORIES AND FRAMEWORKS. Maximum word limit is 2,500 words.

Chosen Case Study:

(a) Case Study 1: Lord Conrad Black’s Fiduciary Duties (Ch 5, B & D p. 288), Question 1 to

Including the following question:

Assuming Lord Conrad Black was a Certified Practicing Accountant in Australia, to what extent does his conduct contravene APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

The 6 questions are in the textbook Chapter 5, B & D page 288(Business&Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives&Accountants, Sixth Edition by Leonard J. Brooks and Paul Dunn).

-Question1: What conflicts of interest may have been involved in Black’s Activities?

-Question2: Were Blac’s non-compete agreements and payments unethical and/or illegal?

-Question3: What questions should have been asked by International’s directors?

-Question 4: If the boards of directors of his various companies approved these non-compete agreements, are the board members on the hook and Black off?

-Question 5:Black Controlled key companies through multiple voting rights attached to less than majority of shares. Was this illegal and/or unethical?

-Question 6: What risk management techniques would have prevented Black’s potential conflicts from becoming harmful?

>Personal request: Writer should use more references from Leonard J. Brooks and Paul Dunn book, 5-8 references. 8-14 Academic Journal Articles and finally 14-18 Internet sources.

Question 7 contributed the most marks and should include APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.

Answers to some of the questions should include relevant ethical theories and frameworks.

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