
Case study-florida leadership standards

Florida Leadership Standards:

1. Discuss areas of growth on each standard.

2. Discuss strength and areas for growth within each of the standards.

3. Identify strongest standard attribute-give rationale as to why is the strongest. do the same for the weakest and a plan for increasing this ski Florida Principal Leadership Standards

Purpose: The Standards are set forth in rule as Florida’s core expectations for effective school administrators. The Standards are based on contemporary research on multi-dimensional school leadership, and represent skill sets and knowledge bases needed in effective schools. The Standards form the foundation for school leader personnel evaluations and professional development systems, school leadership preparation programs, and educator certification requirements.

Structure: There are ten Standards grouped into categories, which can be considered domains of effective leadership. Each Standard has a title and includes, as necessary, descriptors that further clarify or define the Standard, so that the Standards may be developed further into leadership curricula and proficiency assessments in fulfillment of their purposes.

The Florida Principal Leadership Standards

Domain 1: Student Achievement:

Standard 1: Student Learning Results.

Effective school leaders achieve results on the school’s student learning goals.

a. The school’s learning goals are based on the state’s adopted student academic standards and the district’s adopted curricula; and

b. Student learning results are evidenced by the student performance and growth on statewide assessments; district-determined assessments that are implemented by the district under Section 1008.22, F.S.; international assessments; and other indicators of student success adopted by the district and state.

Standard 2: Student Learning as a Priority.

Effective school leaders demonstrate that student learning is their top priority through leadership actions that build and support a learning organization focused on student success.

The leader:

a. Enables faculty and staff to work as a system focused on student learning;
b. Maintains a school climate that supports student engagement in learning;
c. Generates high expectations for learning growth by all students; and
d. Engages faculty and staff in efforts to close learning performance gaps among student subgroups within the school.

Domain 2: Instructional Leadership:

Standard 3: Instructional Plan Implementation.

Effective school leaders work collaboratively to develop and implement an instructional framework that aligns curriculum with state standards, effective instructional practices, student learning needs and assessments.

The leader:

a. Implements the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices as described in Rule 6A-5.065, F.A.C. through a common language of instruction;

b. Engages in data analysis for instructional planning and improvement;

c. Communicates the relationships among academic standards, effective instruction, and student performance;

d. Implements the district’s adopted curricula and state’s adopted academic standards in a manner that is rigorous and culturally relevant to the students and school; and

e. Ensures the appropriate use of high quality formative and interim assessments aligned with the adopted standards and curricula.

Standard 4: Faculty Development.

Effective school leaders recruit, retain and develop an effective and diverse faculty and staff.

The leader:

a. Generates a focus on student and professional learning in the school that is clearly linked to the system-wide strategic objectives and the school improvement plan;

b. Evaluates, monitors, and provides timely feedback to faculty on the effectiveness of instruction;

c. Employs a faculty with the instructional proficiencies needed for the school population served;

d. Identifies faculty instructional proficiency needs, including standards-based content, research-based pedagogy, data analysis for instructional planning and improvement, and the use of instructional technology;

e. Implements professional learning that enables faculty to deliver culturally relevant and differentiated instruction; and

f. Provides resources and time and engages faculty in effective individual and collaborative professional learning throughout the school year.

Standard 5: Learning Environment.

Effective school leaders structure and monitor a school learning environment that improves learning for all of Florida’s diverse student population.

The leader:

a. Maintains a safe, respectful and inclusive student-centered learning environment that is focused on equitable opportunities fo learning and building a foundation for a fulfilling life in a democratic society and global economy;

b. Recognizes and uses diversity as an asset in the development and implementation of procedures and practices that motivate all students and improve student learning;

c. Promotes school and classroom practices that validate and value similarities and differences among students;

d. Provides recurring monitoring and feedback on the quality of the learning environment;

e. Initiates and supports continuous improvement processes focused on the students’ opportunities for success and well-being.

f. Engages faculty in recognizing and understanding cultural and developmental issues related to student learning by identifying and addressing strategies to minimize and/or eliminate achievement gaps.

Domain 3: Organizational Leadership

Standard 6: Decision Making.

Effective school leaders employ and monitor a decision-making process that is based on vision, mission and improvement priorities using facts and data.

The leader:

a. Gives priority attention to decisions that impact the quality of student learning and teacher proficiency;

b. Uses critical thinking and problem solving techniques to define problems and identify solutions;

c. Evaluates decisions for effectiveness, equity, intended and actual outcome; implements follow-up actions; and revises as needed;

d. Empowers others and distributes leadership when appropriate; and

e. Uses effective technology integration to enhance decision making and efficiency throughout the school.

Standard 7: Leadership Development.

Effective school leaders actively cultivate, support, and develop other leaders within the organization.

The leader:

a. Identifies and cultivates potential and emerging leaders;

b. Provides evidence of delegation and trust in subordinate leaders;

c. Plans for succession management in key positions;

d. Promotes teacher-leadership functions focused on instructional proficiency and student learning; and

e. Develops sustainable and supportive relationships between school leaders, parents, community, higher education and business leaders.

Standard 8: School Management.

Effective school leaders manage the organization, operations, and facilities in ways that maximize the use of resources to promote a safe, efficient, legal, and effective learning environment.

The leader:

a. Organizes time, tasks and projects effectively with clear objectives and coherent plans;

b. Establishes appropriate deadlines for him/herself and the entire organization;

c. Manages schedules, delegates, and allocates resources to promote collegial efforts in school improvement and faculty development; and

d. Is fiscally responsible and maximizes the impact of fiscal resources on instructional priorities.

Standard 9: Communication.

Effective school leaders practice two-way communications and use appropriate oral, written, and electronic communication and collaboration skills to accomplish school and system goals by building and maintaining relationships with students, faculty, parents, and community.

The leader:

a. Actively listens to and learns from students, staff, parents, and community stakeholders;

b. Recognizes individuals for effective performance;

c. Communicates student expectations and performance information to students, parents, and community;

d. Maintains high visibility at school and in the community and regularly engages stakeholders in the work of the school;

e. Creates opportunities within the school to engage students, faculty, parents, and community stakeholders in constructive conversations about important school issues.

f. Utilizes appropriate technologies for communication and collaboration; and

g. Ensures faculty receives timely information about student learning requirements, academic standards, and all other local state and federal administrative requirements and decisions.

Domain 4: Professional and Ethical Behavior:

Standard 10: Professional and Ethical Behaviors.

Effective school leaders demonstrate personal and professional behaviors consistent with quality practices in education and as a community leader.

The leader:
a. Adheres to the Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida, pursuant to Rules 6B-1.001 and 6B-1.006, F.A.C.

b. Demonstrates resiliency by staying focused on the school vision and reacting constructively to the barriers to success that include disagreement and dissent with leadership;

c. Demonstrates a commitment to the success of all students, identifying barriers and their impact on the well-being of the school, families, and local community;

d. Engages in professional learning that improves professional practice in alignment with the needs of the school system; and

e. Demonstrates willingness to admit error and learn from it;

f. Demonstrates explicit improvement in specific performance areas based on previous evaluations and formative feedback

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