
Case study-domestic terrorism in american context

Case Study: Domestic Terrorism in American Context

From your perspective discuss the following question in an essay:

Assume that a nascent anarchist movement continues in its opposition to globalism, How should the modern leftist movement be described? What is the potential for violene originating from moden extremists on the left?

Keeping in mind the many conspiracy and mystical beliefs of the American right, what is the potential for violence from adherents of these theories to the modern American environment?

As a matter of policy, how closely should hate and antigovernment groups be moniterd? What restictions should be imposed on their activities? Why?

Is the American activity profile truly an idiosyncratic profile, or can it be compared with other nations environments? If so, how? If not why not?

What is the likelihood that the new millennium will witness a resurgence of a rightist movement on the scale of the 1990s Patriot movement? What trends indicate that it will occur? What trends indicate that it will not occur?

This essay should go beyond the obvious and be written at a graduate level making sure to properly cite sources according to APA style guidelines and format, which should include and abstract page with key words.

Any resources including but limited to journals, magazines and or/book must be properly cited using the APA style.

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Reference No:- TGS01434442

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