
Case study- dick spencer


Case : Dick Spencer

Please include the following three distinct sections/headings in your case assignments:

(1) Analysis of Critical Issues; (2) Recommendations; (3) References.

Case 1: Dick Spencer

Read the Dick Spencer case. Identify the main factors contributing to: (1) Spencer's success as a salesperson and (2) his tribulations as a manager. Explain how each of these factors led to either his success as a salesman or his failure as a manager. The factors you address and your explanations need to be supported with references. The more references you use, the better. In a separate section entitled "Recommendations-Decision Making and Problem Solving", I would also like you to address the siding department incident specifically. What decisions could

Dick have made and what actions could he have taken to avoid this incident and effectively deal with the problems that resulted from this incident (i.e., recommendations)? Use plenty of references for support for this section. Include the full citations for all of your references on your Reference page at the end of your analysis, following the APA Guidelines that I provided you in Doc Sharing. You will be evaluated in accordance with the grading rubric provided at the end of this document.

All assignments need to be submitted in a Microsoft Word document that is compatible with Microsoft Office 2003 (sorry...that is what the school supplied me with on my computer...as long as it is NOT a docx or zipped file, I should be able to open it). Make sure your name appears somewhere within each document that you submit. You can include a cover page within each document, but it is not required. Please use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and double-space your assignments. NOTE: References are very important to quality case analysis. The more references you use, the better. You should use as many as you need in order to back up all of your ideas, thereby creating a stronger analysis. Some references are better than others. I frown upon the use of internet websites as references and rarely give credit for them. With peer-reviewed journal articles, a strict review process is implemented in order to make sure that only the most useful and factual information is printed. Some journals implement a stricter process than others, so some journals are considered to be better than others (there are A-level, B-level, and C-level journals). I have provided a list of journals that are considered to be very good journals in the field (in eCollege-Doc Sharing). You should try to use articles from some of the highest-ranked journals in your assignments.

IMPORTANT POINT #1: Use as many high quality references as you can find to back up your analysis and opinions.

IMPORTANT POINT #2: Your required text for this class DOES NOT count as outside reference. You can use and cite it, but make sure you have enough outside references to support your ideas.

IMPORTANT POINT #3: Proofread your analysis before sending it to me. You can also send your papers to the online writing center available through the school and they can help you develop your writing skills. Clear and effective communication is a vital management skill.

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Microeconomics: Case study- dick spencer
Reference No:- TGS01818356

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