
case study - data analysis sandarsen inc

Case  Study - Data Analysis

Sandarsen  inc was testing new  packaging  and a few  recipe  for a family  desert cookie  that had  been  on the  market for several years. It was  common practice for the company  to routinely test new  recipes  and new  packaging for  the products  in its  line with  the hope of being  able to  improve  consumer  acceptance and increase  sales.

The current  test involved  a new recipe  that  company  bakers believed would  improve the taste and texture of the cookie. Also being  tested were two new packages that were noticeable different from  one another  and from  the packaging  presently  used for  the cookie.

The test was carried out in Philadelphia  a city  in which  the company marketed its products. In  the  test the  company  used a  controlled  mail  panel  representative  of the  area  population. A very  large  sample  was randomly  selected  from the  controlled  mail  panel  and was  then screened to identify  households  that included two or more children in the 5-17 age range and that  reported  being  moderate or heavy consumers of cookies and deserts. The screening  identified more than 600 such  households  where  the households where the  household head also agreed to participate in the sandarsen study.

Subsample1:Present cookie recipe resent package

Subsample2:Present cookie recipe resent package A:

Subsample3:Present cookie recipe resent package B:

Subsample4:Present cookie recipe resent package

Subsample5:Present cookie recipe resent package A:

Subsample6: Present cookie recipe resent package B:

All household were told  they  would be participating in a taste test of a new  recipes of one  of the cookies the company had been marketing  for served years. The household  were asked to have all  members of  the family try the cookies  and eat them in the same manner as they would   any other cookie in the hose. Follow up interviews were consducted with  the 600 households  approximately three to four weeks  after the  cookies  had  been received. Along  with other  questions the  households were asked to  indicate their  intentions to buy  cookie they  had been taste  testing  if it were  available in their local  stores. The findings from this  intentions to buy  inquiry are shown in  table (a) for the present  recipes cookies and in table (b) for the  proposed  new cookie recipe.


a.What  methods (s) should  be used to analyze  the data in tables  (a) and (b) ?

b.Explain  why  it is they are the best  method to use on these  data.

c.Perform  the analysis  and describe  the conclusions you  reached.

d.Explain  how the  analysis  would  be useful  to the  company.



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Operation Research: case study - data analysis sandarsen inc
Reference No:- TGS0209215

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