
Case study-analytical failures

Oklahoma Bombing:

Case Study-Analytical Failures (Four Pages). Using the history of the Oklahoma Bombing, prepare a comprehensive case study identifying and assessing the analytical failures associated with the attack. This paper must follow the format and requirements contained in the week eight “Lessons” folder. The specific format and contents of the paper are attached. Please review the “lesson notes” prior to starting your paper.

Section I: Overview

(a) A brief synopsis describing the purpose of your paper and the event being analyzed. Be sure to address the primary actors (participants), their motivations, and the larger issue(s) at stake.  Think of this section as a strategic overview.

Section II: Pre-Event/Event Actions

(a) A description of the actions leading up to the event (i.e. the actions taken to achieve surprise) and the event itself (such as the attack, nuclear detonation, or coup). Be sure to address such issues as: the degree of surprised achieved, damage (to include lives lost, destroyed property, territory lost), and the psychological and political impact.

Section III: Missed Indicators

(a) What circumstance (such as cognitive biases, organizational barriers, or political concerns) prevented the U.S. from properly assessing the situation? What (if any) weaknesses were exploited?

Section IV: Lessons Learned

(a) Identify at least three lessons that can be learned and what actions can be taken to prevent them from recurring.

Section V: Selected Bibliography

(a) Contains all sources consulted and cited in preparing your paper.

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Other Subject: Case study-analytical failures
Reference No:- TGS01433097

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