As the Vice President of Operations at Leagile Manufacturing, Scott Murphy, knows that most of the company's problems as discussed in the case study ‘Leagile Manufacturing' are related to his attempt to implement a new Lean production system. He wonders what went wrong and what he should do about it. Understanding the problems and their root causes would be important to get the company out of the current unsustainable situation. His boss, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) was reasonable and could deal with the fact that mistakes might have been made. On the other hand, as an experienced problem solver herself, she would expect to be provided with a well-documented plan addressing the problems. Scott had the CEO's agreement to a three-stage approach to provide the plan.
To ensure that not only symptoms were addressed the following steps were agreed:
Step 1: Problem and root cause identification
Step 2: Possible solutions linking strategy to operational issues addressing the problems and their root causes and a recommendation for the appropriate action
Step 3: Implementation plan of the recommended strategy and related actions
Scott Murphy, has asked you to help with the problem and root cause identification - Step 1. Your task is to carefully analyse the information provided in the Case Study ‘Leagile Manufacturing' and write an essay discussing the strategic and operational problems facing the company. The essay should identify and discuss the Operations Management aspects that are affecting the organisation, paying attention to both strategic and operational issues. Your essay must address the problems and root causes in the following areas:
• Strategy
• Sales/customers
• Production
• Procurement/suppliers
• Transport
For the case study, please refer to the PDF document attached.
Additional Requirement
These questions belongs to Operations Management and it is an assignment analysis on Leagile Manufacturing. The case here is about Leagile Manufacturing which is facing difficulties in keeping up in supplying goods to its customers on time. The case study analysis gives possible solutions to this issue.
Word Limit 3600