
Case study analysis cardia

What are the technology transfer mechanisms Cardia is currently using (or is proposing to use) to cornmercialize the technology it bas rights to? Why do you think they are using this approach(es}? List some of the advantages and disadvantages of possible commercialisation mechanisms that might be relevant to Cardia.

How is the company protecting the results of its R&D and related activities? What strategy are they adopting with respect to their intellectual property? (Hint: this should not only cover the company's technology, but other key elements of the company's business). What type of international patent strategy should Cardia or its partners adopt? (Hint: you may wish to consider some of the aspects arising from the next question below). (You may wish to try and find some of the patents relating to Cardia's activities on www.ipaustralia.gov.au)

From the materials available to you, what kind of globalisation strategy do you think the company is adopting at present? Consider this on a broad geographic basis. Try and develop a technology/country matrix for the company. What factors will influence the composition of this matrix?

Consider this globalization issue from a manufacturing and marketing perspective. Discuss how going it alone (ie doing your own manufacturing and marketing) might vary from other "partnering" commercialization mechanisms (eg distribution. icensing and joint ventures/projects). Are there any organisational issues that such strategies require to be met? In answering this question, you may need to distinguish between the technology itself, and the end product(s) based on this technology.

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This case study is a part of Marketing and it discuss on the Cardia Bioplastics is an Australian company known for its biodegradable and sustainable resins and packagings. Today, it is a global player, developer, manufacturer and marketer or sustainable resins and packaging products derived from natural and renewable resources. One of the main reasons for Cardia's success is because of the fact that unlike traditional plastic products made from natural oil, Cardia's products are sustainable in the long term and they are made from renewable resources, so they have a higher shelf life and their price is also under control. The company has an extensive and flexible product choice where consumers can customize their products.

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Marketing Management: Case study analysis cardia
Reference No:- TGS01107541

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