
Case study analysis and presentation -

Group: Case study analysis and presentation


1. Analysis: up to 12 PowerPoint slides

2. Presentation:

Due: In-class presentation Week 10 (times of each presentation as determined by the lecturer).

The lodging of your PowerPoint (PPT) file with Turnitin does not constitute total submission of this assessment: groups are also required to present in Week 10 class.


1. Please remember that students are responsible for ensuring they submit the correct file for this assessment. The file that is available in the MAR2000 Turnitin submissions box at the submission deadline will be the only one accepted for marking. Please note that late submissions are not possible for this assessment.

2. Students are advised not to use the Notes sections of PowerPoint in their submitted work. Notes sections cannot be interpreted by Turnitin and so cannot be seen by your lecturer (even when presenting in class using SlideShow view). Therefore, please just work in the Slide sections of PowerPoint.


Students are to form into groups of up to four members (no more) and you are recommended to form these as soon as possible.

Student groups will be allocated a case study from the prescribed textbook: marketing third edition. These case studies can be found at the end of each chapter; for example, Hero Rewards: building on program success is the case study at the end of Chapter One.

Please note: case studies from earlier editions of the prescribed textbook or other sources are NOT permitted and will receive no marks if submitted.

The assessment should respond to ALL of the questions at the end of the case study.

Students may wish to discuss the various cases available with their lecturer prior to allocation.

Given the Subject Calendar (refer to Subject Outline) and contingent on which case study has been allocated to them, some students may have to study ahead of a lecture and topic being presented in class.

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Marketing Management: Case study analysis and presentation -
Reference No:- TGS0915885

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